
前监管机构敦促美国立法者<a title='注册送加密货币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/aivip.php' target='_blank' rel='nofollow' class='f_d'>加密货币</a>将继续存在关注监管

以色列禁止洗钱和恐怖融资管理局 (IMPA) 前局长 Shlomit Wagman 博士告诉美国立法者,加密货币将继续存在,首要重点应该是建立有效的监管,而不是试图压制它们。存在。

In a congressional hearing on Wednesday, the former regulator stressed the importance of establishing clear and consistent rules across countries to prevent bad actors from exploiting regulatory inconsistencies, responding to questions from various lawmakers about cryptos’ potential to serve legitimate and nefarious purposes.


“我们可以与 FATF 一起创建一份这些国家的详细名单,并确保它们被公开宣布,然后我们将有更好的方法来监控那里正在发生的事情,而不是仅仅假设它不会发生。”她说道。



“Cryptocurrencies are used for legal and illegal activities. However, it is more productive to focus on monitoring and improving the tools and resources available to law enforcement to distinguish between legal and illegal activities.” She added.

Dr. Wagman’s comments come on the heels of a dispute between the crypto community and lawmakers. Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal incorrectly attributed $130 million to cryptocurrency funding for Hamas, leading Senator Elizabeth Warren to call for tighter regulations. The Wall Street Journal later issued a correction. However, this isn’t the first time Senator Warren’s anti-crypto letters relied on questionable data. In August, she led a letter pushing for stricter tax reporting rules for cryptocurrency brokers to address a supposed “$50 billion crypto tax gap.


