Recognizing Realities After Bear Market: BTC Domin

altcoin BEAR BTC INFLUENCE 2024-01-28 57


After this round of bear market, we need to recognize a few realities:1. BTC is still the core of the market, and the next bull market will still be the first coin to rise, and the siphon effect in the early and middle stages of the bull market will still exist.2. The future bull market will still be dominated by institutions, but whether the bull market effect they can bring will exceed the last round, depends on the entry of institutions and the implementation of regulation.3. Will there be projects that can increase by tens or hundreds of times in the altcoins? Yes, but compared to the last round of bull market, they are almost very hard to catch, especially the kind that simply starts to rise from the top exchanges.4. No more than 10% of the people can eat 90% of this round of bull market from beginning to end, and it is enough to catch about 70%, always lower your expectations, learn to follow the market development and rhythm, and don't make the last penny.