ARK Invest/21 Shares将现货比特币ETF申请提交给SEC
据星球日报报道,ARK Invest/21 Shares已向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交其现货比特币ETF的证券注册申请,即8-A表格。...
据星球日报报道,ARK Invest/21 Shares已向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交其现货比特币ETF的证券注册申请,即8-A表格。...
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According to Foresight News, cryptocurrency exchange BiB Exchange has launched perpetual contracts for nine cryptocurren...
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According to Foresight News, liquidity management protocol Gamma is currently working with partners and security profess...
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据BlockBeats报道,1月4日,RSTK(Restake Finance)在触及1.95美元后回落,现报价1.57美元,24小时涨幅达62.5%。...
据 BlockBeats 报道,Arbitrum 生态 DEX Camelot 官方于 1 月 4 日提醒用户注意关于 Gamma Strategies 的一起正在发生的安全事件。虽然 Camelot 仍在积极调查中,但其可以确认自动做市商...
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According to Foresight News, the price of People Coin (PEOPLE) experienced a short-term breakthrough, reaching 0.056 USD...
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Web3 AI伴侣游戏平台Sleepless AI在X平台上表示,币安将于东八区时间1月4日18:00上线AI代币 ,用户可以在正式上线前20分钟查看空投页面。根据此前Binance Research报告披露的Sleepless AI代币经...