"The Rise and Fall of Internet Myths"
The prosperity of the Internet gave birth to countless myths, many people in their 20s became rich overnight, capital an...
internet 2024-02-05 53
The prosperity of the Internet gave birth to countless myths, many people in their 20s became rich overnight, capital an...
internet 2024-02-05 53
据 PANews 报道,链上分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测到,一名获利 490 万美元的聪明钱地址在过去三天里累积了 10,779 枚 ETH,价值 3177 万美元,平均转入价格 2947 美元。...
Crypto 2024-02-04 63
据金色财经报道,Bit Brother Limited披露该公司已收到纳斯达克的退市通知,该通知于1月30日发出,其中称拟根据《纳斯达克上市规则》第 5101 条规定的权力将Bit Brother从纳斯达克摘牌,做出这一决定的原因是基于Bi...
the 2024-02-04 79
BEAR 2024-02-04 73
据BlockBeats报道,Coinglass 数据显示,当前灰度 ETH 信托基金(ETHE)负溢价率为 9.67%;ETC 信托负溢价率为 43.18%。...
Crypto 2024-02-04 90
据星球日报报道,针对社区关于Otherside游戏转型的争议,Otherside总经理Eric Breid在X平台发文表示,Otherside仍然会坚持MMO(大型多人在线)游戏策略。目前,Otherside正在将MMO游戏元素与Other...