
建议 朋友 2024-01-13 93


Ten years ago, I was approached by my friend to invest in BTC. In 2014, I was advised to buy ETH, and in 2019, I was encouraged to invest in SHIB. In 2023, my friend suggested I buy Pepe and Ordi, and in 2024, they recommended I invest in Inscription Aodo. However, I saw through their schemes and didn't fall for it.

Thankfully, I didn't buy into any of those investments. Now, the friends who did are living a life of leisure, driving expensive cars, surrounding themselves with luxury, and traveling the world. But to me, this kind of lifestyle is not fulfilling. It's not the life I aspire to. I'm grateful I didn't succumb to the lure of quick riches and rather focus on living a meaningful and purposeful life.
